IMPORTANT NOTICE! Land O’ Lakes Rescue Petting Farm is now Permanently Closed
due to health reasons.
Our Wish List
With so many rescue animals on the farm, there's
always a need to have some supplies on hand. Please take a peek at our wish list.
If there's anything there that you can purchase or donate, the animals will definitely
thank you!
Dry and moist cat food
Dry and moist dog food
Opened bags of cat and dog food
Horse water pails
Stainless steel smaller feed bowls
Horse water heaters for large water troughs
Large and smaller rubber feed bowls (for pigs and ducks)
Plastic manure forks
1 steel manure fork
Salt blocks (blue) & Electrolytes
Bags of shavings for bedding
Feed for animals - Crack corn, chicken scratch, sweet feed
or cob & oats for horses and cow, hog grower pellets for pigs
Pharmacy - over counter medical supplies, example - ear drops,
eye drops, syringe without needles, Polysprorin ointment for wounds, Epson salt, peroxide.